Crown English Communication 1 Lesson 6

Crown English Communication 1 Lesson 6

生徒用に作った Crown English Communication 1 Lesson 6 の自宅学習用プリントです。


  1. 94

Smartphones are changing our livesーbut ❶ (            ) (            ) (            ) the (            ). There are dangers of misuse. ❷It’s (            ) (            ) to examine carefully ❸(            ) we are using smartphones in a healthy way.


Everywhere we look, ❹we (            ) people (            ) (            ) their smartphones.  They are in ❺(            ) (            ) private world. This kind of scene has become ❻(            ) common (            ) we no longer find it strange.





❶It is (            ) that more than four billion people in the world are using smartphones. In Japan, ❷the (            ) of people who own smartphones has been (            ) rapidly. In 2011, only 14.6% of the total population was using smartphones. By 2018, the rate had increased to 64.7%. ❸(            ) (            ), Japanese teenagers ❹(            ) 143 minutes a day (            ) smartphones just for the Internet, while people ❺(            ) their (            ) spend 129 minutes for the same purpose. These figures indicate that we are now living in a new culture ❻(            ) the digital world meets the real world.
