Crown English Communication 1 Lesson 5

Crown English Communication 1 Lesson 5

生徒の為に作った、Crown English Communication の自宅学習用プリントです。



【 1 】

Ken: Dr. Goodall, ①thank you(            ) (            ) time for this interview. ②I know that you (            ) many years (            ) chimpanzees in Africa. When did you first decide to go to Africa?




Jane: ③(            ) (            ) after I had read the Doctor Dolittle and the Tarzan books. When I was 11, I knew that ④(            ) I would go to Africa to live with animals, study them, and write books about them.


  • それは、ドリトル先生やターザンを読んだ後でした。11歳のとき、私は動物たちと一緒に生き、それらを研究し、それらについての本を書くために、④どうにかして、アフリカへ行くつもりなのだと分かった。


Ken: ⑤ I (            ) (            ) there are lots of young people who want to work with animals someday. How can they prepare themselves?




Jane: There are a lot of things you can do ⑥(            ) (            ) (            ) understand animals. It is very important that you watch them and observe their behavior. It is also important that you write notes and ask questions. If you are really ⑦(            ), you’ll have to work really hard. ⑧(            ) (            ) (            ) every opportunity, and don’t give up.





【 2 】

Ken: You did a lot of fieldwork, ①(            ) chimpanzees in the wild. Are they ②(            ) (            ) (            ) like humans?



Jane: Chimps and humans ④have a lot (            ) (            ), ③(            ) 98.6 percent of DNA. Their brains are very much like ours and much of their behavior is like ours. The members of a chimp family are very close, often helping ⑤(            ) (            ). They can feel sad, happy, afraid, and angry.




Ken: ⑥(            ) (            ) their character ―⑦(            ) (            ), are they friendly? Are they cruel?


彼らの性格⑥についてはどうですか? ⑦つまり(私が言いたいのは)彼らは友好的ですか?彼らは非情ですか?


Jane: They are usually friendly, but they ⑧(            ) (            ) cruel, just like humans.




Ken: Really?






Jane: The meals sometimes attack chimps from another community to protect their territories. But they can be very kind and loving too. Once, when he was about three years old, a chimp called Mel lost his mother and⑨ was (            ) (            ). We all thought he’d die. But, ⑩(            ) (            ) (            ), a 12-years-old male chimp called Spindle took care of him.




Ken: ⑪(            ) (            ) (            )?




Jane: Mel would ride on his back and share his nest at night. He shared his food if Mel ⑫(            ) (            ) it. Chimps can indeed be loving and caring.





【 3 】

Ken: You travel all over the world, ①(            ) (            ) about the conservation of nature. Do you have any comment?




Jane: Yes, we humans must understand that wild animals have the right to live. They need wild places. ②(            ), there are some kinds of living things that we must not destroy. Many drugs for human disease come from plants and insects. When we destroy a wild area, maybe we are destroying the cure for cancer ③(            ) (            ) it.




Ken: I see.




Jane: Everything in nature is connected. Plants and animals ④(            ) (            ) a whole pattern of life. If we destroy that pattern, all kinds of things can ⑤(            ) (            ).




Ken: Could you say more about that?






Jane: Sure. ⑥(            ) (            ) in England, rabbits were destroying farmer’s grain. The farmers killed the rabbits. Then foxes didn’t have enough to eat and they started killing the farmers’ chickens. The farmers then killed the foxes, and ⑦rats quickly (            ) (            ) (            ) and destroyed ⑧just (            ) (            ) grain (            ) the rabbits had eaten. We humans ⑨are (            ) (            ) (            ) destroying our environment and ourselves ⑩(            ) (            ) it.





【 4 】

Ken: Are you worried about our future?




Jane: Yes, I am. But my hope ①(            ) (            ) young people. ②(            ) (            ) I started Roots & Shoots. It ③(            ) (            ) a group of high school students in Tanzania in 1991. It is called Roots & Shoots because roots ④can (            ) their (            ) (            ) rocks to reach water. And shoots ⑤can (            ) (            ) a wall to reach the sunlight. ⑥The rocks and wall are the problems humans have (            ) to our earth.


はい。しかし私の希望は若い人々①にあります。②そうゆう訳で、私は、Roots & Shootsを始めました。それは1991年タンザニアの高校生のグループ③で始まりました。roots(根)は水に達するために、岩④に向かってゆっくりと進むことができるので、それは、Roots & Shootsと呼ばれています。そしてshoots(新しい芽)は太陽に到達するために、壁を⑤突き破ることもできます。その岩や壁は⑥人類が私たちの地球に対して引き起こしてきた問題です


Ken: Is it a kind of club for young people?




Jane: Yes. We now have groups all over the world and each group chooses three projects: one to help people, one to help animals, one to help the environment. The world is a better place when a sad person smiles at you, when a dog wags its tail for you, or when you give water to a thirsty plant. ⑦That’s (            ) Roots & Shoots (            ) (            ) (            ).


はい。私たちは今世界中にグループを持っていて、それぞれのグループは3つのプロジェクトを選んでいます。:人々を助けるプロジェクト・動物を助けるプロジェクト・環境を助けるプロジェクト、の3つです。悲しんでいる人があなたに笑いかけるとき、犬があなたにしっぽを振るとき、あなたが乾いている植物に水をあげるとき、世界はより良い場所になります。⑦それが、Roots & Shootsの全てです。




Ken: Some final words?




Jane: People should think about the ⑧(            ) of the little choices they make each day. ⑨(            ) (            ) buy? (            ) (            ) eat? (            ) (            ) wear? You are just one person, but what you do affects the whole world. The changes you make may be small, but if a thousand, then a million, finally a billion people all make those changes, ⑩this is going to (            ) a big (            ).


人々は、日々行う小さな選択の⑧結果について考えるべきです。⑨何を買うべき? 何を食べるべき? 何を着るべき?あなたはただ一人の人間ですが、あなたがすることは世界全体に影響します。あなたがする変化は小さいかもしれない、しかしもし千、そして100万、そして10億人が全てそれらの変化をするなら、⑩これは大きな違いを生むでしょう


Ken: Dr. Goodall, thank you very much for sharing your ideas with us.

