New Treasure Stage 2 Lesson 9 Read



ニュートレジャー ステージ2 レッスン9  リードの和訳です。


p.128 【Lesson 9】  Thank You, Kaka Murad

On December 7, 2019, the president of Afghanistan and ❶ soldiers (              ) their uniforms were at the airport in Kabul.  The men walked slowly toward a Japanese plane and the president was ❷at the (              ) front.  On their shoulders, they were carrying a coffin.  There was an Afghan flag on it.  ❸(              ) (              ) the body of Nakamura Tetsu.  Who was Nakamura Tetsu, and why was the president of Afghanistan carrying his body?  ❹Let’s (              ) (              ) about him and his life.







Nakamura Tetsu was born in Fukuoka in 1946, just after the end of World War II.  After graduating from Kyushu University in 1973, he became a doctor.  In 1984, he went to Pakistan as a medical volunteer.  ❶ There Dr. Nakamura treated patients (              ) leprosy.  ❷His hospital (              ) the border of Afghanistan was also visited by many Afghan refugees.  ❸They were living in camps in Pakistan (              ) (              ) the war (              ) their home country.

Dr. Nakamura continued to work in both Pakistan and Afghanistan as a doctor.  His medical group was called the Peace (Japan) Medical Services (PMS).  They sent many doctors from their base hospital ❹ to help people (              ) areas (              ) (              ) medical care.  ❺(              ) (              ) their hard work, many lives were saved.  ❻(              ) (              ) (              ), however, Dr. Nakamura realized that many people were getting sick because of poverty. ❼ They didn’t have (              ) (              ) (              ) (              ) or (              ) (              ) (              ) (              ).  Dr. Nakamura’s medicine couldn’t solve those problems.  He knew he needed to start helping people in a different way.  But what could he do?





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In 2000, the situation became worse.  There was a major drought in Afghanistan.  People became very sick and many children died because they couldn’t get clean water and food.  Therefore, Dr. Nakamura and his team, ❶(              ) (              ) the local villagers and volunteers from Japan, started digging wells to provide drinking water.  After completing 1,600 wells, they began to build a canal to provide water for the fields.  At first, they had no money for expensive machines to dig the ground, so everyone worked ❷(              ) (              ).  ❸(              ) (              ) (              ), they were able to get heavy machines, and started using them.  But still, they had to ❹(              ) many (              ).



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Finally in 2010, ❶ a 25 (              ) canal was completed!  This and 8 other canals are now used to help more than 650,000 people in the area.  Now green trees and plants are ❷(              ).  People are able to grow ❸food (              ) by PMS such as potatoes and watermelons ❹(              ) (              ) (              ) ❺(              ) (              ) like wheat.  Through water, people’s lives have greatly improved.  As Dr. Nakamura said, “One canal will ❻(              ) (              ) (              ) than 100 doctors.”



ようやく2010年に❶ 25キロメートルの長さの用水路が完成しました!現在ではこれと他の8本の用水路が,その地域の65万を超える人々を助けるために使われています。今は❷あらゆる所に緑の草木があります。小麦のような❺従来からの食料に加えて,人々はジャガイモやスイカなど,❸PMSによって持ち込まれた食料を栽培することができるのです。水を通じて人々の生活は大幅に改善しました。中村医師が述べていたように,「1本の用水路は100人の医師❻よりも役に立つ」のです。


In Afghanistan, Dr. Nakamura was ❶(              ) (              ) respected (              ) (              ) loved.  ❷(              ) (              ), they called him “Kaka Murad” to show their love for him.  So when he was killed by a group of men with guns, it shocked many people.  Dr. Nakamura gave the people of Afghanistan more than medicine or even water.  He taught them how to work together and ❷support themselves (              ) (              ) (              ).

After his death, his team decided to continue all projects because they didn’t want to waste his long years of hard work.  ❸He (              ) (              ), but his life’s mission to “shine light into dark corners” is still ❹(              ) today.  Thank you, Kaka Murad.




